Characteristic characteristics of amorphous c-core

Characteristic characteristics of amorphous c-core

1. High saturation magnetic induction intensity one reduces the volume of the magnetic core

High saturate induction--Reducing core volume

2. Rectangular structure, easy for coil assembly

Rectangular structure--Easy for coil assembling

3. Magnetic core opening-Excellent ability to resist DC bias saturation

Core Cutting--Good for anti-DC-bias-saturation

4. Low loss and reduced temperature rise (1/5-1/10 of silicon steel)

Low core loss-- anti- termperature -rising( 1/5-1/10 compared to silicon steel)

5. Good stability-can work for a long time at -50~130℃

Good stability--Stable working from-50℃to 130℃
Characteristic characteristics of amorphous c-core you can browse related products and initiate consultations on our website.


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